Pitstop pro
Pitstop pro

A list of report types available on that computer is displayed in the " Report Style" dialog box. If we click on it, PitStop allows us to choose the kind of report that will be created (tha is, more or less detailed).

pitstop pro

There, in the top right corner, under " Actions", there is the option " Show report". When we run an action list or a preflight profile, the PitStop " Navigator" will usually open (if we have not changed it). The aim is to get us started in customizing the reports that a company needs. This page is a short tutorial on how to make a generic custom report (for a non existent graphic arts firm called "ArtisProper"). This is explained in a PDF available on the Enfocus website. But the software allows for very detailed and flexible customisation of the reports.

pitstop pro

PitStop Pro makes its reports with a default look and feel that reflects the Enfocus brand.

Pitstop pro